BBC Sports, in its World Cup icons series, tells the enchanting story of Brazilian legend, Edson Arantes do Nascimento, globally known as Pele, and his role...
With five teams through on Matchday 4, we discover who else can qualify for the round of 16 and who could be out of the running...
FC Bayern, Club Brugge and Napoli joined Champions Real Madrid and Manchester City, to secure the last-16 spots on a night of high thrills and drama....
Get the lowdown on the next 16 matches as the 2022/23 UEFA Champions League group stage continues. There is no let-up in the 2022/23 UEFA Champions...
A few teams already have the round of 16 in their sights, as we move into the group stage finishing straight. Is there any stopping Real...
The main advocates of the European Super League are not giving up. This is as Real Madrid president Florentino Perez, defended the project last Sunday (9...